Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer, family and bbq's!!!!

I have been anxiously waiting and trying to be patient...it's finally summer and I am the happiest person around!! 

This weekend was very exciting for many reasons...
School is out, friends/family visiting and the annual BolderBoulder 10K race!!!

Kids and I are really enjoying our freedom from any and all routine.  I have some stuff planned out but we are taking a week off and just flying by the seats of our pants.  So fun!

Friends/Family...in this case they are one and the same.  My best friend from college came into town to run the BB with her fam.  She is truly a sister to me and I love her dearly.  We bbq'd and talked while the kiddos played and played.  A completely perfect summer evening!


Now for the BolderBoulder...the largest 10k race in the country!  I have run it twice before but I didn't run this year.  Bestie, her hubby and their son did and they LOVED it!  I am not surprised...it's a fun, fun race and It was an incredibly beautiful day.  I drove them into town as the other kiddos and hubby slept and it really couldn't have been a better morning.
Here they are...6:55am...all set and ready to fun their tails off!  
Our view on the way to the race...can it really get any better???!!!

Happy Memorial Day!  I send many thoughts and prayers to Grandpa in Heaven...one of the many brave veterans our country is so proud of.

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