Friday, September 16, 2011

Girl Scouts!

My littlest is officially a Brownie GS and she couldn't be happier about it.  She was so excited to be asked to join the troop and didn't hesitate. Of course I thought there might be a bit of hesitation because we are new to this school but no, not one bit of thought required.                                    
We went to the GS store the day before the first meeting and she got her garb needed to be "official".   Of course that was a lot of the!  As we still don't have a lot of our stuff from FL, I borrowed my neighbors iron and got those patches on good and tight.  I would prefer to sew them but for now they seem to be holding good. 

She was easy to wake this morning...I told her the sash was ready to go and she JUMPED out of bed to get dressed and put it on. 

Her troop is big...29 girls but there are 4 leaders and they seem to be extremely organized.  They work on a badge at every meeting and there is even a back yard camp-out coming up in a week or so. 

The above, first pic was taken pre-hairbrushing as sissy pointed out to us.  "Lili you really need to brush your hair".  So I had to take a second...
Now we were pure Brownie perfection!  Can you tell she is excited?!  I sure can! 


Lori said...

Tell her she looks great! How much fun, Brownies! Daniel is on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout, so it runs in the family...

Mom & Dad said...

Tell Lili how proud we are of her - plus just adorable as well! Hugs to all.

Anonymous said...

Lili... I am so proud! Tell her I was a Brownie, too. Love you! Your Auntie Donna