Wednesday, February 1, 2012


My oldest is now a teen...for some reason this birthday was not just a day or a week...this one kept going and going!  Here are some pics of the fun! 
Let's celebrate!

Not only is it her bday, it SNOWED!  She was super excited!

The kiddos have all made such nice friends since we moved to WG...friends make all things better!

Hi girls!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Katia, Happy Birthday to you!


Presents are awesome...Thanks girlies!

Flowers from M and D! 
Happy Birthday K!  WE LOVE YOU!

(*I so need a new camera...coming soon!)

1 comment:

elisa said...

Thanks for the comment- nice to see your kiddos are adjusting to a major move. I hope mine do as well!!!