Monday, January 31, 2011

Baby needs glasses!

Yep...L needs glasses.  She thought she might so we had been talking about it for a couple weeks.  Then last week she came home from school and said she had her eyes tested and the nurse said she does need glasses.  We made an appt and that confirmed it.  Her right eye is the weaker of the 2, in fact left eye is perfect. 

She is so excited...can you tell?  She was also excited to be leaving school a bit earlier than everyone else. 

We found a really nice doctor and they got us right in. 
*I forgot to let the dr. know that I would be taking lots of pics (us bloggy moms, you know) and I startled her with the first pic I took...oops!
L did such a great job!

Now the fun part...picking out the perfect ones.  We did a good job too, I think we tried on just about all of them.
The overall favorite!  Purple with engraved polka dots on the side...that's my L!
She can't wait for them to arrive! 


Callie said...

"Us bloggy moms, you know!" LOVE it! And she's looks so cute!

Tiffany said...

Her glasses look great! They suit her well :-)

I'm also in FL, Central FL that is! Glad to have found another FL blogger!

Shana said...

She looks so cute!
Isn't it funny how we would have been HORIFIED if we needed glasses as a kid, but now it's cool?
Maybe that was just small town KS.

Alicia said...

I almost said that in the blog...CA was the same...I don't think I ever wanted glasses!

ladaisi said...

Cute pick for glasses! I should probably go get mine checked . . .

New follower here!

Ladaisi Blog

Danielle said...

Following you from Bloggy Moms!

Your daughter is beautiful, and she looks great in her glasses.


Gma & Gpa said...

No one was ever more adorable in glasses. She looks so grown up & we're proud of her. We really approve of the color - purple! Looking forward to some hugs & kisses in a week or so.